Spray Type Scrubber
Product Description
Apzem Spray Tower Scrubber is the simplest of wet scrubber and are custom designed to capture dust particles, VOCs, chemical fumes, and other water / chemically soluble fumes and Vapors generated in industrial process. Spray tower scrubber is of low efficiency in comparison to other wet scrubbers at a lower pressure drop.
Technical Specification
- Air Flow: upto 70,000 CFM
- Efficiency : upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
- MOC: Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
- Finish: Powder coated / Matt finish
- Power option : 3 Phase.
- Customization : Yes , customization available suiting your needs.

Spray Booth Scrubber
Contaminants Removed
- Particles upto 1 microns,
- Acid gasses,
- VOCs etc..
- Can sustain highly corrosive atmosphere.
- Relatively low pressure drop.
- High mass transfer efficiency.
- Require relatively small space.
- Chemical industries
- Pulp and paper industries
- Petrochemical industries
- Steel making
- Corn Processing Facilities,
- Food Manufacturing,
- Pharmaceutical industries
- Fertilizer production and processing industries
- Machining and Grinding exhaust,
- Fiberglass & Composite Industries,
- Utility Boilers,
- Foundries and Metal Finishing Operations.
Other Technical Details
Customization Factors
Customization Factors
- Contaminant solubility
- Vapor pressures
- Wash liquid flow rate
- Liquid to gas ratio
- Packing chamber height, diameter, and volume
- Packing media type and size
- Chemical additives
- pH control
- Precipitation of reaction products
- Multiple solution scrubbing
- Required scrubbing stages
- Pressure drop across packing
- Materials of construction
- Site requirements
- Centrifugal Blower,
- Spiral Ducts,
- Flexible duct,
- Suction hoods,
- Magnahelic gauge,
- Packings
- PH meter
- Water Level indicator & controller
- Pump etc..
Certification : All Apzem Products are designed to comply with ACGIH and OSHA standards as well as local PCB Standards.
Warranty : All Apzem Products are minimum one year waranted for performance and quality.