Ethylene Oxide Scrubber

Product Description

Ethylene is released naturally and it can be removed by Apzem’s Ethylene Scrubber through the process of adsorption and chemisorption. Ethylene removal is a natural process. It does not affect the property of fruit or vegetable. Ethylene Scrubber extends the life of fruits and vegetables and minimizes the loss due to decay. It also eliminates harmful preservation practices that use Nitrogen and Sulfur gas.


Ethylene has higher density than air. In a closed system the air that contains ethylene  is sucked from the lower ducts and passed through the chemical filters where it gets neutralized and the clean air is released outside. This chemical filter is a metal silicate that is soaked with Potassium Permanganate KMnO4 , which is an oxidizer that release water and Co2 while reacting with Ethylene. Ethylene Control must be done for all passive cold stores.

Technical Specification

Contaminants Removed

  • H2S , HCl , HF , HBr
  • HCN ,HNO3 , NH3
  • Formic acid , Chromic acid
  • SO2 , Cl2, F2, Br2 , BCl3, BF3
  • Formaldehyde , Ethylene compounds
  • Soluble alcohols, acids
  • VOCs And many others


  • Landfill and Biogas Contaminants
  • Acid Fumes and gases
  • Chemical Fumes and Odor
  • Food Processing Odors
  • Metal Finishing Fumes
  • Steel Processing Fumes
  • Wastewater treatment plant odors


  • Can sustain highly corrosive atmosphere.
  • Relatively low pressure drop.
  • High mass transfer efficiency.
  • Require relatively small space.

Other Technical Details
