NOX Scrubber

Product Description

Nitrogen Oxide (NO) is a colorless gas insoluble in water and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is a visible gas and is limited solubility in water. A multistage scrubber system would be required to completely remove Nox contaminants.


First stage involves in oxidizing No to No2. This is done by injecting the scrubbing liquid inside the scrubber such that the oxidation of NO to NO2 takes place. NOX scrubbers are designed with high liquid circulation rates such that the complete oxidation of Nox takes place. In the second stage reduction takes place. In this reduction process the No2 is reduced such that oxygen and nitrogen molecules are separated.

Technical Specification

Sources Of NOX :

  • Combustion of fuels
  • Nitric acid manufacture
  • Metal finishing operations
  • Chemical processes
  • High temperature processes


  • Aluminium Anadozing
  • Bright Dip
  • Chemical Nitration
  • Metals Refining
  • High Alloy Steel Etching

Materials of Construction :

  • PVC
  • CPVC
  • Polypropylene
  • Solid FRP

Other Technical Details
